
Our readiness checklist will help you assess if your practice is ready to implement Collaborative Care.Last Updated: 1/6/22

A shared organizational vision is a concrete way for team members within an organization to understand the purpose of a program. A powerful vision statement will stretch expectations and professional aspirations while helping staff step outside of their comfort zone. Visioning is an important process that provides focus and enables Collaborative Care (CoCM) teams to build a shared understanding of their common purpose and future goals.

A guide to building a clinical team and developing an effective clinical workflow.

These guidelines will help Behavioral Health Care Managers approximate the size of their caseload based on the complexity of the clinic’s population.

This guide is for multi-disciplinary, primary care teams seeking to improve care access and behavioral health outcomes for their patients through implementing Collaborative Care. Centered around the core principles of Collaborative Care, this guide serves as a roadmap to healthcare leaders, managers, clinicians, and staff in primary care as they: For training support and technical …

This guide is for multi-disciplinary, primary care teams seeking to improve care access and behavioral health outcomes for children and adolescents through implementing Collaborative Care. Centered around the core principles of Collaborative Care, this guide serves as a roadmap to healthcare leaders, managers, clinicians.

This document contains the key components health systems should consider when hiring a virtual Collaborative Care vendor.

Primary care clinics have a responsibility to provide effective and efficient suicide safe care that is accessible to all patients and staff. Developing a thoughtful and clear protocol and workflow for responding to suicidality in your primary care setting will empower staff to know how to act as well as help keep patients and staff safe.

The Behavioral Health Integration Implementation Guide is the most recent addition to the landmark series of Safety Net Medical Home Initiative implementation guides produced by Qualis Health to help primary care practices become Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMH).

An example of what kind of metrics can be tracked in an integrated care implementation.