Cost of Training
$475 per clinician
Course Outline
The AIMS Center offer Behavioral Activation (BA) training taught by expert trainers using procedures and standards set by Patrick J. Raue, PhD, Associate Director for Evidence-based Psychosocial Interventions at the AIMS Center. Clinicians and staff will have the opportunity to apply BA to several cases and receive feedback from AIMS Center experts on their application of clinical skills. Up to 8 CE credits are available. Download a detailed overview of this training.

Online Training
2 hours
- Self-paced online modules introducing BA principles, a 1-hour recorded webinar, and a BA demonstration video
Review and Practice
2 hours
- Live session including skills practice, and Q&A with an expert trainer via Zoom
Case Presentation
3 hours (1 hour per call)
- Three case presentation group calls
- Participants present real cases and discuss challenging and complex case presentations with the with the expert trainer
Trainee Requirements
Trainees must have an active caseload of at least three patients by the time they begin training. Trainees do not need to be licensed providers.