If you’re interested in working with us, please peruse our services and current projects to get an idea of the kinds of integrated care projects we are interested in partnering on. Then contact uwaims@uw.edu. In your message, please include:
- Name and location of your organization
- Information about your intended goals and current model of care delivery
If you have questions about Problem Solving Treatment or Behavioral Activation training, email bhskills@uw.edu.
If you have questions about the Online Training for Behavioral Health Care Managers, email aimstrng@uw.edu.
If you have questions about licensing the AIMS Caseload Tracker, email aimstech@uw.edu.
You must obtain permission to adapt, distribute, modify, reproduce, or use any AIMS Center content, including slides. Please refer to the guidance on our Copyright Permissions webpage.
Please reach out if you need a more technically accessible version of any of our documents.
To find open positions at the AIMS Center, please refer to the UW jobs website.