
The PHQ-9 is a depression scale consisting of nine questions. The PHQ-9 can be used as a tool for diagnosing depression as well as for monitoring the patient’s treatment.

The Patient Health Questionnaire 2 (PHQ-2) is used by some clinicians and organizations to screen patients for undiagnosed depression.

The Visual Answer Aid is administered alongside PHQ-9 and acts as a visual representation of the answers.

The Visual Answer Aid is administered alongside PHQ-9 and acts as a visual representation of the answers.

The Generalized Anxiety Disorder subscale of the Patient Health Questionnaire (GAD-7) is a quick and easy tool to help identify patients with anxiety and monitor treatment response.

The PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) is a 20-item self-report measure that assesses DSM-5 symptoms of PTSD. This measure was developed by staff at the Veterans Affairs (VA) National Center for PTSD. It is free for qualified health professionals and researchers to use.

The Patient Mania Questionnaire (PMQ-9) is a nine-item scale used to assess and monitor manic symptoms. The PMQ-9 Mania Questionnaire complements use of the PHQ-9 for depressive symptoms to inform measurement-based care. It is also suited for use in mental health care settings. A Spanish version of the PMQ-9 is also available.

The Spanish version of the Patient Mania Questionnaire (PMQ-9) is a nine-item scale used to assess and monitor manic symptoms. The PMQ-9 Mania Questionnaire complements use of the PHQ-9 for depressive symptoms to inform measurement-based care. It is also suited for use in mental health care settings. An English version of the PMQ-9 can be found here.

The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is a 10-item screening tool for use in primary care settings to assess alcohol consumption, drinking behaviors, and alcohol-related problems. The AUDIT has been validated across genders and in a wide range of racial and ethnic groups. There is both a clinician administered version and a patient self-report …

The AUDIT-C is a 3-item alcohol screen that can help identify persons who are hazardous drinkers or have active alcohol use disorders (including alcohol dependence). The AUDIT-C is a modified version of the 10-question AUDIT instrument.

The Brief Pain Inventory is a medical questionnaire used to measure pain, developed by the Pain Research Group of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Symptom Evaluation in Cancer Care.

The SMFQ is a child and parent self-report survey used to measure depressive symptoms in children and young adults aged 6-17. Several peer-reviewed studies have found the SMFQ to be a reliable and valid measure of depression in children. It is free for use and translations are available in multiple languages; however, there is not …

The NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scales are used to help diagnose and monitor ADHD symptoms in children aged 6-12. The scales include a parent version and a teacher version with both intended for completion. The initial assessment screens for symptoms that meet criteria for both inattentive and hyperactive ADHD, and also includes symptom screens for the following …

The SCARED is a child and parent self-report instrument used to screen for childhood anxiety disorders including general anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, panic disorder and social phobia. In addition, it assesses symptoms related to school phobia. The SCARED consists of 41 items and 5 factors that parallel the DSM-IV classification of anxiety disorders. It …