Behavioral Health Care Manager Training

Effective Collaborative Care is a team of providers working together on a single treatment plan. Its success relies on each member of the treatment team understanding their role and having the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill that role. The AIMS Center offers a comprehensive training that will prepare clinicians for success in the Behavioral …

Behavioral Health Care Manager (BHCM)

The Behavioral Health Care Manager (BHCM) is at the heart of a strong Collaborative Care team, facilitating communication among all team members and acting as the lead contact person for the patient. Effective BHCMs support the PCP in their role by coordinating the overall treatment plan, providing brief psychotherapy proven to work in primary care, supporting …

Psychiatric Consultant 

The Psychiatric Consultant supports the Primary Care Provider (PCP) and Behavioral Health Care Manager (BHCM) in treating patients with behavioral health illnesses. This role can be performed by any psychiatric expert who can assist the primary care team diagnosis with treatment planning and recommendations about changes in treatment when the patient is not at least 50% …


Clinic Implementation Team Lead Description

The Clinic Implementation Team Lead facilitates implementation and leads the Clinic Implementation Team (CIT). The CIT is created when a medical practice is planning to implement Collaborative Care. The document below outlines the CIT Leads’ key responsibilities, as well as the personal and professional characteristics that are most desirable in this role.


Primary Care Provider Champion Role Description

The Primary Care Provider (PCP) Champion plays a key role on the Clinic Implementation Team (CIT). The CIT is created when a medical practice is planning to implement Collaborative Care. This document outlines the PCP Champion’s key responsibilities with the team and their PCP colleagues, as well as the personal and professional characteristics that are …

Staff Bio

Alan Gojdics

Alan Gojdics, MEd is the Associate Director for Education at AIMS, and for Workforce Development in the Integrated Care Training Program (ICTP) at the University of Washington Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. He attended school at Ohio State and got his undergraduate degree in communications. He has worked primarily in the technology field. Thirteen years ago, he …


Integrated Care: Creating Effective Mental and Primary Health Care Teams

Integrated Care: Creating Effective Mental Health and Primary Health Care Teams provides the first comprehensive guide for teams to integrate effective mental health care into primary care clinics. Edited by a team of UW Medicine mental health experts, it includes practical information, skills, and clinical approaches needed to implement Collaborative Care, an evidence-based model of integrated care developed at the University of Washington.