There is overwhelming evidence that depression care management works well for patients and is a cost-effective treatment. However, inconsistent third-party reimbursement for depression care management is a significant economic barrier to utilization and sustainability in primary care settings. Seven funding mechanisms, mostly under-utilized and not widely publicized, are described. While substantial obstacles remain in the way of fully implementing these depression care management funding mechanisms, several recent policy advancements provide some optimism for the potential adoption of financial mechanisms to support and disseminate these evidence-based practices.
Resource Type: Policy/Research Publications
Teaching Psychiatry Residents to Work at the Interface of Mental Health and Primary Care
There is now a variety of well-established educational experiences in integrated care within psychiatry residencies. This article proposes core competencies to be taught and highlight rotations and educational methods in five different programs, which provide experience in different models of integrated care, as a psychiatric consultant, overseeing population-based mental health care, and delivering medical care for psychiatric patients. The authors present examples of programs educating psychiatry residents to work in integrated healthcare settings.
Resource Document on Risk Management and Liability Issues in Integrated Care Models
For psychiatrists considering future roles in integrated care systems, it is important to clarify malpractice liability when providing advice about care for patients for whom the psychiatrist may not be the primary prescriber. This resource document provides background information on medical malpractice cases, defines the doctor-patient relationship, distinguishes the different forms of consultation offered to primary prescribers, describes the duty of the psychiatrist across the spectrum of roles on a patient care team, and, finally, makes recommendations to reduce the risk of malpractice issues.
Medicare Payment for Behavioral Health Integration
An article published in the New England Journal of Medicine discusses the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Sevices’ payment codes for behavioral health integration.