AIMS Center Flyer

A printable flyer offering an overview of the AIMS Center’s work to share with your networks.

Collaborative Care Workflow Guide

Successful Collaborative Care (CoCM) programs have a defined, detailed workflow that maps the patient journey from screening to the end of an episode of care. These workflows detail the five phases of an episode of CoCM. Each phase has a unique set of tasks tailored to the resources available at the site. These workflows should be accessible to those who use them and describe steps with sufficient detail.

Need help building your workflow?

Behavioral Activation Patient Education Handout

This handout provides information about depression, explains the benefit of scheduling daily activities, and includes a worksheet for scheduling daily activities. It is for Behavioral Health Care Managers to use when delivering Behavioral Activation to a patient.

Behavioral Health Care Manager Role and Job Description

The Behavioral Health Care Manager is responsible for coordinating and supporting mental health care within the clinic and for coordinating referrals to clinically indicated services outside the clinic. The Behavioral Health Care Manager may provide evidence-based treatments or work with other mental health providers when such treatment is indicated.

The job description below provides a comprehensive list of the duties and responsibilities required of a Behavioral Health Care Manager.

Checklist of Collaborative Care Principles and Components

Core principles and components of effective integrated behavioral health care developed in consultation with national experts and support from the John A. Hartford Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and the California HealthCare Foundation.

Create a Shared Vision for Collaborative Care

A shared organizational vision is a concrete way for team members within an organization to understand the purpose of a program. A powerful vision statement will stretch expectations and professional aspirations while helping staff step outside of their comfort zone. Visioning is an important process that provides focus and enables Collaborative Care (CoCM) teams to build a shared understanding of their common purpose and future goals.

Use the following guide (below) to facilitate the development of a shared vision of CoCM that maps onto existing behavioral health services. The document goes over why a shared vision is important and the steps that are required to create a shared vision within a CoCM framework.

Psychiatric Consultant Role and Job Description

The Psychiatric Consultant supports the prescribing medical provider and Behavioral Health Care Manager in treating patients with behavioral health problems. They will typically consult with the Behavioral Health Care Manager on a weekly basis to review the treatment plan and provide treatment suggestions for patients who are new or not improving as expected.

The resource below includes a PDF of a comprehensive description of the duties, responsibilities, resource requirements and typical workload of a Psychiatric Consultant.

Quality Aims Example

Provides an example from our MHIP implementation of what kind of metrics can be tracked. Note that this is an example only and is relevant for one snapshot in time. These Quality Aims are regularly reviewed and revised based on previous successes and failures.