New York State Collaborative Care Medicaid Program

Developed in 2015, the Collaborative Care Medicaid Program (CCMP) is a state-based program to help clinics fully integrate behavioral health screening and treatment into primary care settings and to provide reimbursement for those services. CCMP grew out of a New York State Department of Health grant-funded demonstration program called the New York State Collaborative Care Initiative, which ran from 2011 to 2014. Having demonstrated robust feasability and acceptability, along with improved clinical outcomes during the grant period, the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) was able to secure legislative funding for the creation of the CCMP. CCMP was the first Medicaid program in the country to provide reimbursement for Collaborative Care services for adult depression. Anxiety diagnoses (including PTSD) were later added to the Medicaid payment, as well as a lower age threshold of 12 years. Another unique feature to the Medicaid payment structure is the Quality Supplemental Payment (QSP) payment, which gives some clinics the opportunity to get an additional payment by achieving quality outcomes.

Now, over 200 clinics participate in CCMP, receiving free training and technical assitance from the AIMS Center and Concert Health, as well as discounted access to the AIMS Centers’ Care Management Tracking System registry and discounted training in Problem Solving Treatment therapy. Part of participation requires the submission of quarterly process and outcomes data to OMH, which is used to further improve the training and technical assitance offered to CCMP clinics.

Behavioral Health Integration Program (BHIP)

In an effort to increase access to mental health care in Seattle and King County, the AIMS Center at the University of Washington partnered with UW Medicine to launch the Behavioral Health Integration Program (BHIP). BHIP uses collaborative care to bring mental health treatment into all of the UW Neighborhood Clinics, a system of twelve primary care clinics located throughout greater Seattle, as well as clinics at Harborview Medical Center and the General Internal Medicine clinic at UWMC Roosevelt. Like elsewhere, mental health is a big part of primary care in Seattle and King County; in 2009, 19% of all clinic patients had a mental health diagnosis. Although Collaborative Care has been implemented around the world, the AIMS Center and UW Medicine are very proud to be able to provide it in our own community.

BHIP utilizes a web-based Care Management Tracking System that supports population-based care, provides patient outcome measures, and assists in quality improvement efforts. In October 2012, several goals were established for the BHIP program: to increase patient access by care managers and across all BHIP clinics, to improve patient outcomes on measures of depression and anxiety, to increase provider satisfaction with care management, and to improve provider satisfaction with psychiatric consultation. When measured in August 2013, the BHIP program had exceeded initial targets for each of the seven indicators.

BHIP won a Psychiatric Services Achievement Award from the American Psychiatric Association in 2014, and a Washington Award of Excellence in Healthcare Quality from Qualis Health in 2016.