Behavioral Health Integration Services Fact Sheet

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have an updated fact sheet detailing codes that can be used to bill for behavioral health integration (BHI) and Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) services.

Pediatric Collaborative Care Implementation Guide

This guide is for multi-disciplinary, primary care teams seeking to improve care access and behavioral health outcomes for children and adolescents through implementing Collaborative Care. Centered around the core principles of Collaborative Care, this guide serves as a roadmap to healthcare leaders, managers, clinicians, and staff in primary care as they:

  • start a new Collaborative Care program, or
  • expand an existing integrated care or Collaborative Care program to pediatrics, and/or
  • partner with community and behavioral health agencies.

For training support and technical assistance implementing Pediatric Collaborative Care reach out to the AIMS Center at: Research has shown that clinics receiving implementation support from the AIMS Center have significantly better patient outcomes.