Cost of Training
$2,400 per clinician
Course Outline
Clinicians will co-lead a group training and be trained in the following skills:
- Conducting simulated role plays and providing feedback. The trainee will lead simulated case role plays with the expert trainer until the trainee can competently lead a simulated case with little guidance from the expert.
- Running supervision for certification. The trainee will lead supervision calls with the expert trainer until the trainee can competently lead these calls with little guidance from the expert.
- Use of the PST Adherence Sheet (PSTAS). The trainee will listen to 3 or more PST audiotaped sessions, rate them using the PSTAS, and then compare their ratings to the expert’s. The expert trainer will review the rating forms and discuss areas where the trainee diverged from the expert rating. The trainee must achieve 95% inter-rater agreement.
Co-Leading Phone-Based Practice Sessions
Approximately 15 hours
- One-on-one practice sessions with trainee clinicians and certified PST expert trainer
Co-Leading Case Presentation
6 hours (1 hour per call)
- Group calls with 5-8 participants
- Participants present real cases and discuss challenging and complex case presentations with expert trainer and trainee
Audio Recording Review for Certification
3-10 hours
- Audiotape reviews compared to certified PST expert

Trainee Requirements
To retain trainer certification, the trainer must participate in annual calls for the National Network of PST Clinicians, Trainers, and Researchers.
Contact with questions and/or to begin this process. Ensure you’ve read the qualifications and time requirements above.